Farmhouse Table Runners & Rustic Table Runners

Farmhouse table runners were often handmade, but now they tend to look handmade. They are beautiful options on a farmhouse dining table and you can combine them with a centerpiece and placemats. However, it can be difficult to find table runners at your local store. That’s why we put together the list below of the most beautiful rustic themed table runners.

Farmhouse Table Runners


Farmhouse Decor

Market Place Gray Grain Sack Stripe 36″ Table Runner

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How to Choose Farmhouse Table Runners

Some of the most common table runners with rustic themes feature cottage themes, lace, beige colors, crochet, grain sack, burlap, and more. But how do you choose the right farmhouse themed table runner? My recommendation would be to start with the right colors to match your home, choose a size that fits your dining table, and find a material that will pop.

Knitting and Crocheting Table Mats

Farmhouse table runners were sometimes made out of wool, as wool absorbs the heat and allows a hot teapot to be placed on it. Often the teapot also had a knitted cover made from bright leftover wools.

Once every scrap of yarn and material was used in creating a homely rustic look, and having a rustic table runner was considered normal.

Linen Table Runners

An embroidered set of linen runners were often given as a wedding present, and as they involved hours of hand-stitched work, they were treasured by the recipient and only brought out on special occasions. If you go through an elderly relatives’ linen closet chances are that you will find some handmade linen runners and cloths at the back. As it is the sort of present that you would keep forever. often rustic and made with love.

Decorating Your Farmhouse

You can find vintage linen in lots of places, including online and at markets. Some well-chosen pieces for your table, some of the old linen was very heavy, and this is the sort of linen you should look for. Anyone who can crochet can recreate some runners for your table in different colors as handmade looks more rustic, you can choose the colors.

Handmade Farmhouse Table Runners

A popular method was to crochet them, usually in the long evenings when there was no TV to watch. Another method was to weave dried leaves and fronds or raffia, made from the raffia palm when it could be found. Improvisation was essential in a time when raw materials were scarce.

In the old days, dining tables were usually highly polished and needed heat-resistant mats. If the householder could purchase some cork, this could be molded into the right-shaped mats, and the early cork mats were usually all homemade.

Complete Your Dining Table Decorations

A slab of wood, pine, or another softwood, fashioned into a cheeseboard will complete the rustic look. You want it big so get a bespoke one and then layout bread and cheeses for lunch on it. This will give you a plowman’s lunch effect to complete your rustic table decor.

In Summary

It can be very difficult to find the best farmhouse table runners for your dining room. With all of the selections above, you should be able to find something that fits within your theme, color scheme, and a size for your dining table.

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